Semi Pro
Plan Features
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases - » All features
Free bonuses
.ACADEMY only A$72.81/yr VPN Access (5 GB) App Installer Site Installer Site Builder ModSecurity Website Accelerators Daily Backups
Have all of the resources of a dedicated server at a cost you’ll enjoy. Receive a well–designed Control Panel. Make use of as much as 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is guaranteed. Manage unrestricted domains, emails and databases. There are not any installation costs whatsoever.
Evaluate our hosting platform with a 30-day completely free trial. No credit card required.
Start Free TrialSSH Access
Free SSH access privileges for your server
To help you work directly with your machine, without the need to utilize the Web Hosting Control Panel, we include SSH access with your semi-dedicated plan. Using this capability, you’ll be able to instantly interact with your files, databases and domains through your console. Nevertheless, as you will share the machine with a few other users, there’ll be no way to alter the server’s settings.
SSH access is featured as an optional service with the smaller package, and as a cost-free benefit with the bigger plan.
Free Dedicated IP
Absolutely free dedicated IP address for your machine
A dedicated IP address is provided for free with the semi-dedicated 2 package. You’ll be able to put it to use from the second you gain access to the Web Hosting Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will be able to maximize the uniqueness of your site, to rapidly setup an SSL certificate for your site, and even register your very own name servers that will resolve to your individual IP address.
And additionally, if at any time you need another dedicated IP address, it is easy to buy it at a promotional price directly from your Web Hosting Control Panel.
24x7 Support
Write to us at any time
You could contact us round–the–clock with any requests that you can have as related to our semi-dedicated servers. Do not hesitate to get in touch via e–mail and by the ticket platform and we will respond to you in as much as 60 minutes. In fact, our regular response time period is under 20 minutes. On business days, you could phone us or use the real–time messaging service on our web site.
Free Templates
More than a hundred cost free WordPress and Joomla™ designs to choose from
You can always download and install a Wordpress or Joomla™ theme with just a click of the mouse from your Web Applications Installer. It is not necessary to head over to 3rd party websites for top–quality templates. We have a large collection for you conveniently included in your hosting account. Simply opt for the theme that you like and click on the Download button. All themes are fully free–of–charge for you.
Semi Pro
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Service guarantees
- No service fees in addition to a 99.9% availability guarantee with each semi–dedicated server setup. Free–of–charge Control Panel with unmetered hosted domains.
Compare our prices
- Examine the instruments and characteristics offered by Nevium Networks Australia’s semi-dedicated servers. Begin with a smaller server setup and move up with just a click of the mouse as your web presence expands.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- Get hold of us at any time by email or through our Control Panel included ticketing system. 1–hour reply time frame guarantee.